Sunday, September 25, 2011

5 again...

When i was about 5 i always like to shoot stuff and see how much damage i could cause. I would take paper clips and fold them back just a little bit to where i could shoot them with a rubber band. Paper clips would cause pretty awesome marks. when i was little me and my friends would get in one of our bed rooms and build little forts and then turn off the lights. we would leave just enough light to where we could tell where each other were. we would have all out wars shooting each other with these bullets we would make. i remember one time we actually folded one to where it was pointed, and we would get a good enough shot off with the rubber band that the paper clip would stick into skin...

needless to say the pointy bullets didnt last very long. those hurt way to much! but we had many many wars there for a few years. i dont know, something about pain was fun.

I remember this...

What stuck with me from class the most was what everyone had heard about the class. we heard everything from a photoshop class to a class where all you use is your creativity. During class we all shared our thoughts and where we were from, one other thing was all the different places people had come from. People heard different things about the class from professors and friends. it seems as though everyone has heard of this class.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cant see Clearly

The First thing that came to my mind for this project was a bowl a of cereal. it really appeals to take, but also you can smell it. a fresh poured bowl of cocoa puffs you can smell from a mile away. also for feel the little pieces of cereal you cant mistake, and one thing that you know is in every bowl of cereal is the sound. pouring the cereal and then the milk into the cereal. listening to it pop while it is in the bowl also. cereal is one thing that if you were blindfolded then you would be able to exactally what it was.

Monday, September 12, 2011


What i created was kind of a mistake. I was just sitting there thinking about what i could make, and i looked at my walls. I have a lot of posters on my walls and i started thinking that they actually represent me very much. i have sports posters with barcelona the soccer team, and i poster of Lebron. I am a huge sports fan and that shows that. i also have a few wrestling posters, and also a few rappers. i have been a wrestling fan for many years, and rap is my favorite music. also there are several posters of video games and movies, my favorite thing to do on my free time is play video games and watch movies. i then have a few posters of girls, which i like girls so that shows that. all in all my posters are a very good representation of me and my personality.