I had a real hard time attempting to come up with something to do for this assignment. I was trying to come up with something that I could design that would answer all of the question. I was sitting there looking through pictures, and I came across this picture. This picture I really thought was a very good picture, and it answered all of the questions in the way that I wanted to answer them. So this may not be some elaborate video or some super flashy project, but i will get my point across.
Who are you in the eyes/perception of others?
Me in the perception of others is that I am a very down to earth old fashioned person. I dont need fancy things to make myself happy. People see me as a very happy person, also very trust worthy serious person. I coach high school soccer I know my guy know that I can be a serious person, but also I have a joking side. If anyone wants to see all sides of themselves go and coach a sport. not only do you find yourself, but others see who you are. In my picture I am showing a huge smile showing that Im a happy go lucky person, but also with the dimmed and old fashioned color it puts an effect on me that I can be strict and stick by the rules. Thats who I am in the eyes of others by looking at my picture.
How do you see/perceive yourself?
I see myself much similar as to how other people see me. I know that I can show a smile and laugh most of the time, but I also have a very serious side. I see myself as someone who loves to have fun, and enjoy life. From the picture I see a guy who is holding nothing back with his smile, and is living life to the up most fullest. From my point of view of myself I am a very caring and loving person who are close to me. My friends and Family the biggest part of my life, and they see both sides of the spectrum with me. I perceive myself as someone who just wants to enjoy life and doesnt need a whole lot to do that.
Why are you here? (your definition of here)
How I would read the word here would be on the earth and why im here, but I think that if you go just a little deeper I would say here would mean in this life. Why am I in this life, and what am I doing here. well from my picture yet again I can use that huge smile on my face. The reason I am here is to enjoy life and make others lives better. You can see in the back of my picture my best friend Derek. This shows that I wasnt alone. I have to admit, i am hardly ever alone. I am usually with a friend, or family member. I always love meeting people and being around people. Have my best friend and my smile in this picture I think it signifies that i am 'here" to make peoples lives better. I love smiling and laughing with others, and I honestly believe the reason I am here is to enjoy life. My definition may be a little different from others, but as I see it "here" is in our lives.Our lives are all about this assignment really. our perception of ourselves, and the perception of others on us. Why "we" are here is simply to interact with other people and enjoy life however it is that we like to.
What are the implications of your identity to others? (you decide to whom the implications apply - you or others, but be specific)
When i read this question the first i didnt know what implications meant. After reading several definitions i really couldnt get a good meaning either. How I am taking this question is how i show my identity and who i am. How the picture i have presented expresses this i have discussed already, but it shows how i like to enjoy life. I show off my smile, and I am implying that i love being around people and having a good time. In public i feel as if just with my dress that i am implying that I am a very happy go lucky, laid back, and down to earth person. I like to Imply to others that they can talk to me or ask me a question if they would need to. Implying to people in public is much harder than to my close friends. Most people these days really dont want to be bugged or bothered, but just the way I act i like implying that I am a very happy and friendly person. My picture implys that I am a very happy laughable person. I hope this answers the question. I try to show that I am a likable person.
How are you effected by the identity of others? (are you different around various people - why might that be)
I would say yes I am effected by others, and I also think that nearly everyone is. Like I have always been told, you probably arent gonna act the same way around your grandma, your best friend, or your teacher. I think this is absolutly true. I act one way arounf my parents, and another around my best friends. I always have a smile on my face and do my best to enjoy every situation, but how some people act can change how a respond to them. most of the time it is about respect. if a person shows me respect then they will get it right back. I am the person to respect people enough that I am not going to cuss around them, until they do and then i have no problem with it. that is just an example of how i can change. however, A persons identity i dont think changes at all. Ones identity develops very early and through your life you keep the same identity no matter how hard some people attempt to change it. a persons attitude, and how they act can be temporary effected by others, but i wouldnt say that a persons true identity is actually effected. The identity of a person is something that is deeper than how they look. Identity i feel is something that is how people do things, how poeple do certian things, and react to things. someones fears, attractions, and what people enjoy is parts of a persons identity. Another person could try very hard to change those things, but i dont think anyone could change someones true identity.
Is identity static? (make sure to show in your project your answer to this)
Continuing from the question above I think it flows very well. A persons Identity doesnt and cant change.The would static i believe is a perfect word for a persons identity. The main reason I chose to have a picture as my project for this assignment was because of this question. I feel my picture was dead on for this part of the assignment. My identity is captured purely in this picture, because the biggest part of my identity is clearly showing off. With that big smile you can tell that I am a happy go lucky person. With my project being a still picture it shows my belief about an identity that it doesnt change and also i feel it shows off a great deal of my identity.
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